Saturday, September 28, 2013


Crazy as it sounds, but I am counting. Today it was exactly one month since I arrived to Seoul and I must say that time flies. Thinking back to everything that I have done so far, it's amazing how much I have experienced already. There is still a lot of adventures coming up and I have 9 months left to enjoy everything here in South Korea and Asia overall.

Christa, working at the International Office in Arcada told us about how our mood changes during our time abroad. The theory she had, was that whenever we arrive, the first 2-4 weeks will be awesome and everything will be fun and exciting. Suddenly, when you start to realize that you are actually "stuck" in a new country, nobody understands you, unfamiliar language and everything is complicated - you will start to get depressed, you will miss home and everything is not a dance on roses anymore. After this, there will be a phase when you start to solve the problems, build yourself up and learn to survive and appreciate the good things in the new country. After a lot of thinking and after this first downfall, the sun will start shine again and it much easier to start enjoying the exchange.

I must admit, that this sort of depression has hit me and very badly. I know that if I wouldn't be this strong, I could easily have given up, bought a ticket and head back home. The reality is, you can't always have a good time and be on your best mood. You need to be down sometimes to realize how high you have been. If you are always happy, you won't appreciate it until you get really sad. I'm happy that this first phase of sadness is over and now I can actually start to continuing having an amazing time here in South Korea.

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