Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Surprise Birthday Party

Today is the day that we all have been waiting for, especially Nhung and Wai Kit. A bunch of students has been running around in Seoul searching for birthday gifts, cakes, gift cards and finally we managed to get together two really good birthday presents for them. We planned a surprise party at a nice restaurant.
In Korea, everything has to be cute, so we had to get them some party hats!

We were all waiting with excitement and I was probably the one who was giggling the most before they arrived. Before they came to the restaurant, we all sat down and learnt how to sing the happy birthday song in korean. It wasn't actually as hard as I thought that it would be. Here you will see a little video when we are all singing. 
After the song we were all attacking the food table. Oh lord, I have never seen that much meat in my entire life. You can chose from pork, beef, bacon, chicken, sea food and much more. After that you will be deciding the side dishes you would like to have. I mean this is probably the best dinner I have ever had. Eat as much as you want, whatever you want and also preparing it yourself, amazing! Jani almost burnt the house down, but I guess someone has to be responsible for the entertainment.
Trisha was being adorable as she always is. She went to a store and bought this beautiful and delicious cake. You all might worry why there is only to candles lit? The fans were working pretty well and they also blew all the candles out before Nhung and Wai Kit did.

Trisha is enjoying the cake as you can see. A lot of things koreans do are quite funny, but here is one. Even the birthday cake has to be eaten with chopsticks! That's so cool. 
Here is Nhung and Wai Kit. They were so happy with their gifts and the dinner and both of them agreed that this was their best birthday they have ever had. 

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