Friday, June 27, 2014

My Final Grades,

The second and last semester as an exchange student at Kyung Hee University has come to an end. I have been waited for my grades for weeks and they are finally here. I have never been the best student in class, I never received the highest grades, and probably not the most likable person either. I have been facing many failures, I have been at the bottom, I have finished on second place and even last. People have told be that I can't, that I don't have enough knowledge, and that there will be no success in what I'm trying to do. Aiming high, is the only way to see whether you got a shot at something you never thought you could do, and the day you reach your goal, your success and accomplishments will punch those people who didn't believe in you right in their faces. What I have realized, is that I have always been the student that professors' have remembered. It is not about receiving A+ in every course, it's not about keeping all your Facebook friends' satisfied, and it's not about doing what everybody else is doing. We are all living our own lives, and what is an accomplishment to someone, might be nothing to someone else, or it might be something that some people never would have the courage to even think of. 
People told me I was crazy, but I love crazy. I love taking risks, and being different. All I wanted in elementary school was to fit in, and be exactly like all the other girls in my class. Now, that's the last thing I want, being similar to anyone else. 

Enough writing. I did it, I studied 10 subjects during my 10 months in Seoul and I received good grades that I'm more than proud of. These grades will definitely make my average grade raise a lot, and make me graduate with good numbers. Happy me! Here is a list of the subjects I studied and the grades I received. I'm more than happy. In South Korea, a B is totally not accepted, it's not a good grade at all. For me, and for students in Finland, a B is awesome! Apart from my grades, I also managed to be the class captain for one professor, which gave me a valuable recommendation letter. Not many students, exchange students, who have recommendation letters from South Korea. 

Not did I only finish all my courses with a good grade, I also managed to live and study in a unfamiliar country where people barely speak english. This is how I will finish my 10 months in Seoul and now I am ready to take my motivation for studying back home to Finland and Arcada. 

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