Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Midterm Exams,

So it's time again, that's probably why it has been a bit quiet around here. In my case, I have four midterm exams and one presentation. Last semester my motivation was on top. Seriously, I was studying many hours a day with friends, all motivating and pushing each other to study hard. This semester, my motivation is down to zero. I have been sick lately, with flue, which doesn't make me more motivated at all. Tomorrow, it's time for my final exam. To be honest it could have gone better, but honestly, the most important thing for me right now is to pass the course and get some credits.

Many of my friends have been staying up all night, with no sleep attended an exam. This is what's crazy about the culture in Korea. Studying, yes is important, but sleep is also important. Our bodies needs rest, so does our brains. I have had friends, who are having a "secret" competition with another student in a library, who is studying for the most amount of hours, the one who leaves first - lose. Isn't that insane? Insane not strange, just different. In many countries, what you wear and how much your white basic t-shirt costs, has a huge meaning, while in Korea, they value how much time you spend with your books. A comment I receive from friends, when I told them that I studied the whole night: "Woah Meri, you work s hard! Such a good student!" How can they know that, did I even learn the things I was supposed to? I love Korea, and the people here, don't get me wrong! I just like to analyze and realize our differences in our culture and the way of thinking, thats all!

Some picture proof, that I have studied something at least. Taking pictures while studying them and sharing with friends and relatives, is also as important as the studying itself!

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